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Merrillville, IN 46410
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Come caucus with us in Iowa

Morning Session .jpg

Join us in Des Moines for the ICD Learning Summit ... and who knows, maybe you'll bump into a Democratic Presidential candidate while you're in town!

The days are flying by, summer is coming to an end, kids are heading back to school, and the hotel deadline for Des Moines is quickly approaching.

Don't miss out on the final Learning Summit opportunity of the year. The deadline to reserve your room at Renaissance Savery Hotel is Sept. 2. After that all rooms will be released from the block.

You can register for the Summit here and reserve your hotel room here.

We had quite the event in Pittsburgh in June and look forward to doing it again. Below is the tentative agenda so you can have a sneak peak at what will be going on.

See you there!

Tentative Agenda

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