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1300 E. 85th Ave.
Merrillville, IN 46410
(219) 738-9029

It's Summit time!

Save the date for 2019 Summits.jpg

Hey, we’ve got some exciting news to share.

The 2019 Training calendar is starting to take shape! We have scheduled our two Learning Summits this year.

SAVE THE DATES: The first Learning Summit will be held June 25-26 in Pittsburgh. The second Learning Summit will be held Sept. 17-18 in Des Moines.

We recently wrapped up negotiations with the hotels and will be releasing summit registration and hotel reservation information in the coming weeks, once the hotels have created our room reservation websites.

We’ve already been working on the agenda and content. We expect a bulk of the training to focus on online learning opportunities versus traditional learning, as well as sections on vendors and instructors.

We are also working on setting up local tours for the second afternoon each day.

As a reminder, we offer the same content and agenda at both summits. We offer two summits to give you the option of attending the one that best fits your schedule.

We had two meaningful and productive summits in 2017 in Nashville and Milwaukee. We are hoping for the same this year, so please mark your calendar and plan to attend.

And be on the lookout for registration and hotel info in the next few weeks!

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